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The Island of Lençóis, state of Maranhão

Brasilien Adventure offers new adventure packages in the state of Maranhão. The island of Lençóis is just a day trip away from the UNESCO world heritage city center of São Luis. As well as the city of Belem, the doorway for your Amazon adventure.


Don’t confuse the island of Lençóis with the sand dunes of the Lençóis  Maranhenses National Park which is located on the mainland. The island is nearby the coastline, in the area of the National Park and the gateway to the Amazon. Not many tourists find there way out here sharing this paradise with about 340 locals. There are just simple guest-houses and a small supermarket with a bar, where the locals, the sailers and tourists share a drink and their stories. You hear the rhythms of carimbo, samba, reggae and lambada – the people from here are very open and will make you feel at home.


Welcome on the island of Lençóis


With our tour and accommodation packages.

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Day 01: São Luis /Unesco Worldheritage

Upon arrival at the airport of São Luiz, you will be picked up by our shuttle service, which will take you to your hotel. You will visit the historic center of Sao Luis, some 3500 houses from the 18th and 19th centuries, which are a UNESCO World Heritage Site. There are many things to see and do - for example the waterfront, the traditional souvenir market, the lively coastal area and the Maritime Museum in the Old Fortress.

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Day 02: Alcantara / Day Trip
After crossing the sea 01. 30 hour by boat from São Luís, we arrived in Alcântara is a charming city built in the XVII, with many colonial houses, churches and ruins , walk the streets of Alcantara and return to the past with its mystery and history, in addition to being able to enjoy a wonderful view to the sea because it is surrounded by the desert beaches and mangroves.


Day 03: Transfer from São Luiz to Apicum-Açu

By car we travel from São Luis to Apicum-Açu. We also cross the worlds second lowest riverbed in about 2 hours by ferry – A beautiful journey. We pass countless villages and see the houses of the fishermen build on the so called “Palafitas” or stilts. In the afternoon we arrive at our hotel and will then visit a small Açai fabric – of course we’re going to try this delicious, power-fruit from the Amazon. The people from here also eat it together with shrimps and fish. If you like, you can also join our local guide showing you the little boatyard. The day will end with a sociable dinner at our guest-house.

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Day 04: Full day boat excursion with the Trimaran “Roberts”

Today we leave the island with a trimaran boat. We’ll travel northwards, nearby the coastline, passing many fisher villages, farms and make our way through the labyrinth of the mangrove trees. This mangrove forest is part of the UNESCO biosphere reserve. At lunch, Laura the owner of the trimaran will serve freshly prepared fish and shrimps. If the winds are good we’ll hoist the sails to sail along the mangrove channel returning to the island of Lençóis. In the late afternoon we walk along the sand dunes and enjoy an unforgettable sunset behind the surrounding islands and mangroves. This is also the time when the red ibis birds fly to the neighboring islands to spend the night. Dinner with reggae music at Laura’s restaurant.


Day 05: Half-day tour – Island trekking

We start our hike in the early morning to avoid the heat of the day, passing through the sand dunes and make our way to the top of the highest sand dune. From here we have a wonderful view to magical sand-dunes and the surrounding islands. Afterwards we’ll pass through the mangroves, continue through the sand dunes to the north-site of the island. Here, a never ending, lovely beach is waiting for us. We continue our hike to the southern tip from where we observe other islands and “Ponta de Zumbi”. Of course we also take time for a swim: With low tide we can enter into the natural pools or at high tide enjoy a swim in the bathtub like temperatures of the Atlantic ocean. The way back, about 90 minutes, we follow the beach all the way up to the northern tip of the island and head back to the village on a small trail.

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Day 06: Insel Bate Vento Besichtigung und Trekking "Tagestour"

Es geht mit einem Traditionellen Caso zur Insel Bate Vento. Nach Besichtigung des Dorfes geht es mit dem Casco durch die Mangrovensümpfe zum  Leuchturm Sao Juan einer der Ältesten in Brasilien  noch heute im Betrieb ist. Ein schöner Ausblick tut sich vor uns auf. Nach anderthalb Stunden zu Fuss, kommen wir an der Landzunge an wo uns unser Casco auf uns wartet und uns wieder zurück Nach Lencois bringt. Am abend geht es auf die Düne wo wir zusammen den Sonnenuntergang genissen und beobachten wie die Ibise Guaras zu ihren Schlafplätzen fliegen.

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Day 07: Rückreise / Festland / Belem-Amazonas

Es geht mit dem Schiff aufs Festland nach  Apicum Acu  von da aus unser Transfer dich nach Belem Amazonas oder Sao Luis fährt ... je nach Vereinbahrung


Belem Amazonas:

Es  giebt eine günstige Variante mit dem  Nachtbuss, der Täglich in den Norden nach Belem in den Amazonas fährt.

Belem hat es einen Internationalen Flughafen. Ein strategischer Ausgangspunkt um Kultur und Natur der Umgebung zu entdecken. Es finden sich auch einige Indiostämme, die man hie und da beim Fischen antrifft. Ein Höhepunkt auf einer Amazonas Tour!Nähe Belem  befindet sich auch die Weltgrösste Inseln die im Fluss liegt de Island of Marajo mit seinen unzähligen Büffelherden.

Von São Luís Maranhão geht es in die Bay "Bahia de Marajo" nach Belém.

Hier in Belém mündet auch der Amazonas Fluss. Wir besichtigen die historische Stadt am Amazonas.

Belém wurde am 12. Januar 1616 von dem portugiesischen Kapitän Francisco Caldeira Castelo Branco gegründet. Die Gründung erfolgte durch die Errichtung der Festung Forte do Presépio (heute als Forte do Castelo bekannt) mit dem Ziel, die Region gegen Eroberungsversuche der Engländer, Franzosen und Holländer zu verteidigen. Durch den Kautschukboom erlangte Belém Ende des 19. und Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts eine große wirtschaftliche Bedeutung. Aus dieser Zeit stammen Prachtbauten wie etwa das Teatro da Paz (1878), Palácio Antônio Lemos, Palácio Lauro Sodré, Colégio Gentil Bitencourt und der Ver-o-Peso (1901).


 São Luis:

 Täglich fährt ein Nachtbuss von Apicum-Açu nach Sao Luis wo sich ein Nationalen Flughafen befindet.

Wir können auch alle Busstickets reservieren  oder auch  Privaten Transfer organisieren.

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