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Grazi Massafera junto com a Brasilien Adventure na Chapada Diamantina
Grazi Massafera explorando, comteplando e revigorado suas energias em um dos lugares mais encantadores da Chapada Diamantina ;...

Canoe and Kajakroundtour
You will paddle your own canoe within the Marimbus wetlands - this area also refers to the so called "mini Pantanal" of the Chapad

Family activities
Come and get to know the best known highlights of the Chapada Diamantina National Park with our popular Classic Tours. Which place do you wa

Brasilien Adventure
The most authentic and customized tour operator of Brazil!

Trekking Tours
We offer more than 20 different day trekking tours throughout the Chapada Diamantina and the National Park. Have a look at our great...
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